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[RULES] Mastering Bug Reporting in Our Game: Guidelines


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Hey, fellow gamers!

We value your contributions to improving our game, and one of the most crucial ways you can help is by reporting bugs effectively. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps on how to correctly report bugs, ensuring that we can identify and address issues swiftly while maintaining the integrity of our gameplay.

Title: [SERVER][SITE][CLIENT][MAP] Describe in short terms the problem, example:

[MAP] There is no reborn npc in Atlantida

1. Step One: Describe What Happened:

When you encounter a bug, start by providing a detailed description of what occurred. Explain the issue clearly, including any in-game actions that led to it.

2. When It Happened:

Specify the date and time when the bug occurred. This timestamp helps our team pinpoint potential causes more effectively.

3. Possible Causes:

If you have any ideas or suspicions about what might have caused the bug, please share them. Your insights can be valuable for our developers.

4. Reproduction Steps:

Try to replicate the bug. If you can consistently trigger it, provide a step-by-step guide on how to recreate the issue. This greatly aids in debugging.

5. Game-Breaking Severity:

Assess the severity of the bug. Is it merely an inconvenience, or does it seriously disrupt gameplay? Rate it on a scale, with clear explanations, such as "minor," "moderate," or "game-breaking."

6. Video or Screenshots (When Applicable):

If the bug can be visually captured, please provide images or video footage. This is particularly helpful for our team to visualize the problem.

Important Note: For Game-Breaking Bugs:

If the bug you've encountered is game-breaking and you're concerned about posting it publicly, please do not share it in this thread. Instead, contact us directly, and we'll work with you to obtain video or images privately. This prevents potential abuse of game-breaking issues.


By following these guidelines, you play a crucial role in helping us maintain a smooth gaming experience. Your bug reports are invaluable in our ongoing efforts to improve the game.

Happy bug hunting! 🐜🎮

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